Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another win for VP Common Sense

So one of my writing heroes is Bill Simmons, the Sports Guy. I absolutely look forward to his articles on sports every week and enjoying Celtics and Patriots commentary with a "homer" view. His

VP of Common sense stories are hilarious and I believe that we need to incorporate this position into our City. http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/simmons/index. His VP would look at all sports decisions, trades, punishments and make sure they make sense to everyone.

If we had this, we would have stopped dumping polluted water into our harbour, knowing it would eventually have to be cleaned up. We would have worked with the school board as soon as things looked like they may go pear shaped. We would not release transit plans to the public before they were confirmed. HRM would have implemented better transit years ago preparing for the growth of downtown and created bike paths, more reward for carpooling and better buslines. Lastly, we would not have even opened the Cat Bylaw question. Thanks to that one neighbour who had 47 cats running around her property and prompted this ridiculous waste of time.

I am happy to declare for VP Common Sense and take all the huge wages along with it.

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